Actor Rahul Bose, who is riding high on the success of the Santosh Sivan-directed English language movie 'Before The Rains', says he almost refused the role because the producers wanted him to audition for
'The producers wanted me to audition,' he recalled. 'And I said, 'I don't do auditions. I have never done them and I never will do them'. So I refused the role.'
It was left to Rahul's manager in Hollywood, who finally managed the impossible.
'My manager pleaded with me. One day before shooting, I got the cinematographer of the movie I was working on to put me on a tape. They felt a younger actor should play T.K. (in 'Before The Rains'). So I knew that
they must have looked at about 50 actors. Then they saw my work and the rest,' he smiled, 'is sordid history.'
Although both of them are big names in the Indian film industry and are known for quality cinema, Rahul and cinematographer-cum-director Sivan never met till the film happened.
'He comes from the south of India. I am from Mumbai. Our paths have never crossed. When this film came about, he approached me to do it. I think the offer came on the strength of a couple of films of mine that he
had seen,' said Rahul.
'My character T.K. is a south Indian villager. And I am as urban as they get, and as Westernised an Indian as you get. So this was a huge leap for him to believe that I could pull it off,' he added.
His talent has been applauded by critics and masses alike but Rahul's presence has always been underplayed in the Indian film industry. Thankfully 'Before the Rains' is getting him his due.
He has got rave reviews for his performance in the film from The New York Times reviewer Stephen Holden. The talented Rahul has been appreciated by almost every other foreign publication, including Venice
magazine, and a glowing spectacular review by Deepak Chopra.
Set in a small village called Munnar in Kerala in 1937, the film about cultural cross-pollination bagged three top awards at the Houston World-Fest International Film Festival last month.
Sivan too cannot stop praising Rahul. He says he will be working with the actor in every film of his henceforth.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008 13:39 IST